Exceptional legal representation in court and at the negotiating table.

Our lawyers put the full force of their knowledge and experience to work for you, no matter how complex the legal issue. When you’re satisfied, we’re satisfied.

Innovative, Full-Service Richmond, Virginia Law Firm

Our firm has been serving the needs of this community from this same office building for over 40 years. All of our shareholders started in this firm directly out of law school. Over the years we have watched and helped this community grow both within the firm and through experiences outside of the firm. We’re now ready and excited for the next forty years. The message we, as a firm, want to convey to our clients, whether you’ve been with us since 1979, whether you’re a recent client, or whether you’ll trust us with your needs in the future, is that we take the approach that the practice of law is about taking care of people. Those we know. Those we will meet. Those in need. Those looking to grow. Whether you have a simple transaction, a multi-million dollar transaction, a simple will, a complex estate plan, a business dispute, complicated litigation, a family member in need, or injured, we will do our very best to take care of you. Welcome home!

“Every day I’m amazed at the amount, complexity, and diversity of the business that comes through the doors of this relatively small local law office. I hope you’ll trust us. We’re the little engine that got it done.” - Andy Harris, Shareholder

Contact us online or at 804-288-7999 for no-nonsense legal representation you can rely upon.

Contact Us

COLLECTIONS: 804-272-1767 | WEST END: 804-288-7999

Our Location

1409 Eastridge Road
Richmond, Virginia 23229
Phone: 804-288-7999
Collections: 804-272-1767
Fax: 804-288-9015


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This website is created and maintained to provide only information of general interest to the public. Nothing contained herein should be construed as legal advice about specific concerns or intended by the attorneys of this firm to create an attorney-client relationship by offering this information or supporting this website. Correspondence with this firm does not create an attorney-client relationship. E-mail is for convenience only and should not be considered privileged or confidential until a member of this firm has agreed to represent you. We do not evaluate other websites that link to this site and, accordingly, cannot warrant or guarantee the accuracy of information contained on other websites.

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